Archive for Extended Family

Returning to Our Roots

Returning to Our Roots

In the fall of 2005, my sister and I visited our family cottage with my dad. He was dying and wanted to go there for the last time with his daughters. As we sat in the small living room, autumn leaves falling outside on a…

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Talking to my Sons about (Almost) Everything

Talking to my Sons about (Almost) Everything

We were in the Laurentians last weekend at a typical family gathering. There were seventeen of us at the dinner table so you can imagine the decibel level.  Add to that the  rapid fire exchanges switching between English, French, German and Hungarian. It can be…

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Vacationing with your Partner’s Parents? 3 Ways to Make a Great Impression

Vacationing with your Partner’s Parents? 3 Ways to Make a Great Impression

It’s summer! Are you in a new relationship and visiting your partner’s parents’ cottage for the first time? Or, perhaps you’ve been in a relationship for a while and are getting ready for a return visit? My recently published column in eHarmony Canada is just…

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The Making of a Bread Thief

The Making of a Bread Thief

I have been sick as a dog this past week. But that didn’t stop me from agreeing to a virtual mother-son bonding experience with Jake who studies on the east coast. Jake proposed we make the same bread and compare notes. As you may recall,…

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Waiting in the wings

Waiting in the wings

A scary thought occurred to me today. I am the same age as my mother-in-law was when I first met her. Sure doesn’t seem that long ago. But here I am with sons who are nudging into the age their Dad was when we started to…

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