110/80 is My Number. What’s Yours? (May is Hypertension Month)


If you’re a last-minute kind of person, you may want to saunter over to Shoppers or another pharmacy type place today to get a free blood pressure reading before May turns into June. After all, May is Hypertension Month.

Who knew? I didn’t until I was asked to write an article about blood pressure for YouAreUnltd.

Understanding Blood Pressure By the Numbers. What Does Yours Mean?
Each May, health professionals hold blood pressure screening events across Canada to mark Hypertension Month. “The main thrust of the campaign is to make sure people are testing their blood pressure regularly,” says Angelique Berg, CEO, Hypertension Canada. Being proactive is important. Hypertension is the leading cause of death and disability.

But the good news? It is preventable.

Time to cuff up and get your reading
Monitoring blood pressure takes only a few minutes. Measuring your blood pressure regularly serves as an alert to any underlying concerns. An estimated 7.5 million people in Canada have hypertension (high blood pressure), but almost one in five don’t know they have it.
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Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

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