Vacationing with your Partner’s Parents? 3 Ways to Make a Great Impression

It’s summer! Are you in a new relationship and visiting your partner’s parents’ cottage for the first time? Or, perhaps you’ve been in a relationship for a while and are getting ready for a return visit? My recently published column in eHarmony Canada is just for you!

Vacationing with your Partner’s Parents? 3 Ways to Make a Great Impression

Like many Canadians, I look forward to heading to cottage country during our short summer months. Summer just doesn’t feel like summer until we’ve done belly flops off a dock or burnt our tongues from charred marshmallows roasted over an open pit. Cottage time is a chance to unplug our devices and find our inner child.

But what about visiting a new partner’s family cottage for the first time, with their mom and/or dad and possibly extended family there? Being miles from civilization, bunked up in close quarters, and having to navigate family landmines you didn’t bury can put even the strongest relationships to the test.

Here are three ways to make sure you don’t get fed to the bears — either by your partner or their parents.

Read entire article


Photo credit: Unsplash – Juja Han

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